Markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday barred foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) from issuing offshore derivative instruments, popularly called P-Notes or participatory notes that have derivatives as the..
Garment exports rise 11.4% in April-November despite global uncertainties: AEPC
India’s readymade garment exports rose 11.4 per cent to USD 9.85 billion during April-November this fiscal despite global uncertainties, signalling..
Granules gets U.S. FDA nod for generic version of Takeda’s ADHD drug
Granules India has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate chewable tablets, its generic version of Takeda..
India’s oil imports rebound in November with refineries back in full swing
After hitting a 12-month low in October, India’s crude oil imports in November recovered as most of the country’s refineries..